English Specialist


  • Position English Specialist
  • Salary։ by contract
  • Work schedule Full time
  • Gender Female
  • Age 19 - 30 տար․
  • Region Yerevan, Arabkir
  • Published 1 տարի, 4 ամիս առաջ
Job description

You think you posses English language very well? You think your English can help you to be involved in a new and interesting field ? You are ready to gain new skills? - IGUAN SYSTEMS LLC gives you that chance! Hurry up! Send you CV to our email address : [email protected].

By the way , if you possess the following skills it will be great plus:
- Your positive attitude and communication skills
- Ability to understand and value the importance of operational efficiency.
- Your highly organized way of working in team.

You got interested? We encourage you to submit your CV to [email protected] e-mail address with a note of "English Specialist" in the subject line.